Wednesday, January 28, 2009

chapter 10-16 Flight 29 Down

So now Nathan is looking around for matches in the plane because he couldn't start the fire with his two sticks. He doesn't find any so he returns to his fire pit he made and starts to rub the sticks again. Meanwhile Melissa searches the plane for matches and finds some in a small box. On her way back to the fire pit she sees Eric and Taylor drinking the water that was supposed to be rationed. Eric ends up telling Melissa that she never has any fun, and to prove him wrong she runs and jumps in the ocean. Learning later that the matches were in her pocket when she jumped in the ocean. Nathan freaks out on her and she breaks down and goes and cries to Jackson. Meanwhile Daley and her kid brother Lex are looking for a place to camp for the night. In the process of looking for a camp sight, Nathan sees that five leeches have climbed onto Daley's legs. They run back to camp and Lex says that she can't tear them off that would cause infection, and the only way to get them off is to burn them off. So there all going crazy trying to get the fire started, and they have this huge leadership blowout. So Jackson steps in, pulls a lighter out of his pocket, and lights the fire. Next it flashes to the Boys in their tents in the middle of the night. Its thundering and lightening and all their gear is getting wet and the fire is going out and the exploring party has yet to return. So now all the wood on the island is wet and they can't start a fire, and everybody has decided to have a huge competition to see who will lead the group. So Daley's off counting and rationing supplies, and Nathan is in the jungle looking for food. Meanwhile Taylor and Eric are using the camera to make a film of Taylor. They have been using this video camera the whole time to document each travelors story. So far the decision has yet to be made of who will lead.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Character, Setting, and Plot architypes

Character Archetypes: There haven't been any real clear character archetypes in my book yet, but there has been a few. There is the Captain Russell who has a huge age gap between all of the other young adventurers. The old pilot is somewhat of a grinch and he isn't a very good leader. Next would have to be Melissa who is clearly playing the best friend/sidekick role. She's friends with Nathan and Daley and is stuck between the two. Then there is Eric who is a trickster and is always trying to play practical jokes and mess with people. He brings out the true character of the leaders Daley and Nathan. The plane crash is a very important Archetypal event. It's an important Initiation for all of the travelers and the pilot. It separates all there regular emotions and installs a fear into their hearts. It starts a whole new journey for each traveler in its own unique way. Some archetypal settings would be the deep jungle, it reprasents wildness and chaos free from the laws of the beach. The sea also represents disruption and some unpredictable power. So the characters are stuck between this misterious joungle and the unforgiving sea which landed them in the situation there in.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chapter 5-10 Flight 29 Down/ Character development

So in the next 50 pages of Flight 29 Down, some characters start to form. There is Nathan, one of the key character's in the novel who is an everyday guy that has a big ego problem and he's super controlling. He and a girl named Daley, who is also a control freak, have huge disputes as to who should lead the group. Then theres Melissa, who is stuck between Nathan and Daley, who are her best friends. Theres Lex who is Daley's kid brother, and he's a very witty young chap. He figures out after the group crashes that the plane is going to be swept away by the tide. He's very young so no one listens to him but eventually they figure it out and save the plane from being carried out to sea. Next is Eric who is always playing practical jokes and never takes life seriously and is always messing around with Taylor. Taylor thinks she's a princess and that everyone should wait on her every hand and foot and she's definitely needs a reality check. Then there's Jackson who is somewhat of an outsider and an outcast, but i see him becoming leader in the near future. There are a few more people including the captain of the plane, but they are on an exploration in the jungle to find civilization and i haven't found much out about them. So that's basically the characters and what has recently happened. Right now the two control freaks are building a fire and shelter separately. The most important part was when everyone rallied together and put aside there differences to help save the cargo in the plane, and the plane its self.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reading history post

We are supposed to write a post for English class about our reading history and what we've read before. As far as reading history goes I'm not a big reader... I do read but not really any Science Fiction books or anything too interesting. I'm not really patient enough to sit down for hours and read, i don't get into it that much. I've read some basic English Class books and a couple on my own but not a lot. My favorite book would have to be called The SHACK. Super good book even though a majority of people wouldn't' like it. I Never really stopped or started i just kind of boarder lined it the whole way through my high school career.

The worst book I've ever read would have to be The Giver. It's really popular but i thought it was over the top. I usually read on the couch where its quite and when there isn't much else to do. I've read Lord of the Flies, Hatchet, Call of the Wild, The Scarlet Letter, Outsiders, Fahrenheit 451, Ender's Game, The Giver, Eragon, Eldest, To Kill A Mocking Bird, and some more that i don't really want to remember. I mostly read because i have to but once and a while i read a book when i want to. I don't read very often because it doesn't really entertain me as much as some people.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flight 29 Down, Walter Sorrels Chptr 1-5

Walter Sorrells
Flight 29 Down
chapter 1-5
The book starts out in a small plane with ten passengers and a somewhat annoyed pilot. The ten passengers are students on a flight over the ocean to an earned vacation with their parents. Their parents left earlier on a different plane, and they are in the middle of a raging storm. The pilot is struggling to keep the plane on course and his compass has just gone haywire. The kids are in the back, totally oblivious to the imminent crash landing. Two of the engines get destroyed by a strike of lightning and the plane loses altitude. The pilot amazingly finds an island to crash on and they crash into the beach. Everyone is alive and they all stumble onto the beach. Different characters have started to emerge and personalities start to crash. One boy starts to explore and climbs a near dune. He comes to the sudden realization that they are stranded on a desolate island without anyone else. They decide to split up and one group goes and explores the jungle. A young boy named Lex in the other group realizes that the tide is coming up and the plane is going to be swept to sea. But no one will listen to him because he is so young... and that's as far as I've got.