Monday, January 26, 2009

Chapter 5-10 Flight 29 Down/ Character development

So in the next 50 pages of Flight 29 Down, some characters start to form. There is Nathan, one of the key character's in the novel who is an everyday guy that has a big ego problem and he's super controlling. He and a girl named Daley, who is also a control freak, have huge disputes as to who should lead the group. Then theres Melissa, who is stuck between Nathan and Daley, who are her best friends. Theres Lex who is Daley's kid brother, and he's a very witty young chap. He figures out after the group crashes that the plane is going to be swept away by the tide. He's very young so no one listens to him but eventually they figure it out and save the plane from being carried out to sea. Next is Eric who is always playing practical jokes and never takes life seriously and is always messing around with Taylor. Taylor thinks she's a princess and that everyone should wait on her every hand and foot and she's definitely needs a reality check. Then there's Jackson who is somewhat of an outsider and an outcast, but i see him becoming leader in the near future. There are a few more people including the captain of the plane, but they are on an exploration in the jungle to find civilization and i haven't found much out about them. So that's basically the characters and what has recently happened. Right now the two control freaks are building a fire and shelter separately. The most important part was when everyone rallied together and put aside there differences to help save the cargo in the plane, and the plane its self.